Ensure That You Have Adequate Protection From Power Surges

Even though a power surge is a very serious threat, most of us don’t spend much time protecting our homes from them. A home breaker box has a surge protective device installed in it. If you rely solely upon this device, you may find out the hard way that your Home Power Surge Protection is

Get Energy Saving Tips From The Certified Pros

When researching tips to save energy this summer many homeowners are exposed to word terms they may not understand. One such term is found on the websites of HVAC companies, and that term is NATE certified. What does NATE certified mean? NATE is a nonprofit group that offers HVAC technicians an opportunity to prove their

Tips For Creating A Summer Energy Savings Plan To Implement In Your Home

When summer temperatures climb higher we tend to want to set our air conditioner temperatures lower so we will stay cool and comfortable. Unfortunately, if we do that our utility bills rise with our energy consumption. There are very effective ways to use your air conditioning system to stay cool while being fiscally and environmentally

Spring Time Air Conditioning Maintenance

There are few incidents that are more frustrating than having a home’s central air conditioning system stop running on a hot, humid August day. What makes the situation even more frustrating is that it can be avoided by having the system checked every spring. There are several causes for poor or no cooling from a

Make Your Home Warmer Without Adjusting The Temperature

Making your home warmer without adjusting the temperature starts by stopping warm air from escaping, preventing the entry of cold air and thoroughly insulating your home trapping the heated air in and the cold air out. These basic strategies for saving on your heating bills begin with checking for air leaks all over the home.

Heating System Checked Before Winter

If you are having heating difficulties and need a heating system checked before winter, call a professional for furnace repair or replacement. While work is being done for heater repair let us inspect your ducts in your home. Heat pump problems range from simple to severe. Some are preventable with maintenance checks, but when your

Ways In Which Excess Dust And Dirt Affects Your AC System

Everybody enjoys spending time in a favorable environment that does not pose any hazards or discomfort. To achieve this, people go far to make the environment more favorable and habitable, notwithstanding the brunt of its extremities. The home and office are the major two typical areas that most people operate in. As such, the environment

Air Conditioning Repair: Hire the Right Technician

If your heating or cooling system is not working properly, you would need to hire air conditioning repair technicians to provide solutions at the earliest. It is best to refrain from attempting to fix the unit on your own. This may prove to be very costly. The technicians have an in-depth knowledge about the functioning

3 Common Causes of AC System Refrigerant Leaks

Having an air conditioner that leaks will not just run your energy bills up, but will also increase the chances of getting a large repair bill later on. The air conditioning system that is low on Freon will click on and run more and for longer time periods. So, what is causing your AC refrigerant

3 Common Reasons An AC System Breaks Down

When it comes to your AC system it can be quite scary when it has a problem. Sometimes it picks the worst time, like the middle of a hot summer day, to go out. You might find that it is an easy fix and other times it is not as easy. Those times you may