How Do Tankless Water Heaters Work?

Tankless water heaters offer many benefits over traditional water heaters. It’s a fraction of the size of a typical heater tank and it’s simple to use. Plus, it eliminates having to fight for who gets to use the bathroom in the morning first.

Answering FAQs About HVAC Repairs

Because of our dependency on HVAC systems, they unfortunately tend to act up every now and then. Repairs are necessary not only to restore your broken equipment’s functionality, but also to tune up certain parts, and make the units run efficiently again. 

What to Expect When Replumbing Your Home

Bursting pipes, constant leaks, cloudy water, and other recurring problems in your home may warrant a need for plumbing repairs or replacements. If your plumber cannot identify a single source of the problem, it means your whole system is compromised, and a full re-pipe is required.

A Closer Look at Heat Pumps

Despite having the word “heat” in their name, heat pumps are not exclusive to home heating systems, as the common misconception would have many believe. Heat pumps are, in fact, an integrated system, filling the roles of both heating and cooling all in one.

The Location of Your Water Heater Matters

Most of the time, people place their water heater in the garage because that’s where everyone puts it. Many times this is the case because people have the mentality that any leak that would ever happen would be contained in the garage, right? The leak would be out of the way. However, plumbing installation isn’t

The Effects of Hard Water on Your Water Heaters

Having hard water in your home can wreak havoc in all sorts of different places. Any pipe, appliance, or surface in your home where hard water flows is at risk of damage. One appliance most affected by hard water is the heater.

How Do Gas Furnaces Work?

A gas furnace is a primary heating source for most homes, especially during winter. They use either propane or natural gas to accomplish their heating capacity. The system involves several steps; this guide will introduce you to the mechanics behind the inner workings of a gas furnace.

4 HVAC Noises and the Problems They Warn You About

A well-maintained HVAC system usually runs quietly, so if you hear sudden and unusual noises then there might be something wrong with your system. Countryside Plumbing and Heating is the top HVAC and plumbing expert in our area, and we suggest researching typical HVAC noises so that you know what they mean. Here are four

Heating and Cooling News: HCFC-22 and R-22 Phaseout

Heating and cooling systems rely on refrigerants to cool homes and business establishments. The problem, however, is that most refrigerants have adverse effects on the Earth’s atmosphere. Constant use of such refrigerants has already depleted the ozone layer significantly. This is why the US has undertaken a drive to phase out harmful refrigerants, such as

Indoor Air Quality

Improve Your Indoor Air Quality in 2018 With These Simple Tips

Many people understand the importance of having clean air outdoors, but it’s also pretty critical to make sure that air quality indoors is clean as well. This is especially important to consider in our homes, where many of us spend much of our time. If you want to improve your indoor air quality (IAQ) in