
5 Eco-Friendly Ways to Keep Your House Comfortable

At Countryside Plumbing and Heating, we know that New Richmond locals are always looking for ways to go green when it comes to their homes. For some residents, this means leaning on the advancements in energy efficient appliances and eco-friendly residential energy systems such as solar panels and rainharvest systems. While these solutions are great for the environment and provide long-term savings, it can be pricy for some residents. This is why we have selected a few inexpensive, or even free, options that every New Richmond local can use to keep their home comfortable while also going more green this spring.

Service your HVAC system

Maintaining an efficient and effective HVAC system is not only a great way to keep your home comfortable during the hot midwest summers or rigid Wisconsin winters, but it also ensures that your system is functioning optimally. Make sure to regularly check, and replace if necessary, your system’s filters to promote energy efficiency. It’s also vital to schedule bi-annual visits from an HVAC technician to inspect your unit so that your home is ready to keep your family safe and comfortable year-round.

Switch to LED lightbulbs

Something as simple as changing a lightbulb can save you money on your monthly energy bill, while also freeing up some extra watts on your local energy grid. Switch to more energy efficient LED light bulbs throughout your house to allow your family to more freely utilize the light sources necessary for your daily routines.

Go paperless

Tired of receiving so much mail (whether it’s junk or not)? You receive hundreds of letters throughout the year for bills, statements, junk, etc., along with magazine subscriptions. All of these parcels are not necessary, they can create clutter, waste resources and fill landfills. By transitioning to paperless billing, purchasing e-tickets to events, e-magazines and contacting companies that are sending you junk mail to take yourself off of their mailing list, you will save paper and your home the clutter.

Shop organic

Not only will using organic products lead to a healthier lifestyle, but it promotes green practices in terms of farming and manufacturing. Companies that utilize organic methods of agriculture and production are environmentally conscious and often have other humanitarian efforts. Organic farming is essential to limiting and erasing our carbon footprint as a society. Traditional farming methods can be very inefficient (wasting crops) and also detrimental to the soil, making it less capable of retaining carbon. The carbon retention of organic farms help to reverse the damage that other pollutants have on our ecosystem.  

Shorten your showers

By cutting your showers in half, you drastically reduce your home’s water usage, but you can also improve your home’s indoor air quality as well. When you shower, the chlorine and other volatile organic chemicals that are in your tap water, will release into your air through the steam that your shower generates. Keep your air clean and your water use down by taking more focused showers.

At Countryside Plumbing & Heating, we know it can be difficult to monitor your home’s efficiency. This is why we provide these resources to give New Richmond locals quick and easy ideas to make your home more green. If part of making your home more green this spring is having your HVAC system serviced, contact us. Our expert technicians would be delighted to provide exceptional work on your home’s cooling system to get it ready for the warmer temps to come.