
How to Troubleshoot Your Thermostat

You might be surprised to know that heating or airconditioning service appointments are often caused by a malfunctioning thermostat. In this blog post, Countryside Plumbing & Heating, Inc. saves you a few basic thermostat troubleshooting steps that can help save you time and the cost of a service appointment.

Signs Your Water Softener Isn’t Working Properly

Your water softener is essential to keeping your home free from problems caused by hard water. This is why it’s essential for you, as a homeowner, to recognize signs that may indicate that it’s not working properly. Read on as local plumbing and high efficiency furnace contractor Countryside Plumbing & Heating, Inc. discusses these signs.

4 Culprits Behind Common Boiler Problems

Like electric heaters and other types of home heating systems, boilers can develop problems over their service life. Knowing the causes of some of these problems can help you get ahead of them before they result in an unexpected failure. In today’s post, local HVAC company Countryside Plumbing & Heating, Inc. takes a look at the culprits behind common boiler problems. 

Common Reasons for Commercial Plumbing Service Calls

While every commercial building has its own unique set of plumbing requirements, plumbing issues aren’t as unique. In today’s post, a local plumber and provider of electric heaters, Countryside Plumbing & Heating, Inc., shares the common reasons for commercial plumbing service calls.

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How to Locate & Operate Your Main Water Shut-Off Valve

Knowing how to shut off your home’s main water supply is just as important as knowing how to reset a circuit breaker, particularly in situations that require an appointment with an emergency plumber. Here Countryside Plumbing & Heating, Inc., discusses how to locate your home’s main water shut-off valve and why this is important. 

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Don’t Let Your Plumbing Freeze This Winter

Water behaves curiously at very cold temperatures. As the temperature falls, water contracts as expected until it reaches about 39 degrees Fahrenheit. At this point, it expands slightly as it gets closer to its freezing point. This expansion is what causes problems in many plumbing and air conditioner systems that circulate water during the wintertime. In fact, according to the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety, frozen pipes cost home and property owners thousands of dollars every year.——————————————– CONTINUE READING ——————————————–Luckily, with the right amount of forethought and preparation, this costly seasonal problem can be avoided. Let our skilled plumbers at Countryside share with you how to protect your pipes and plumbing system from damage due to freezing temperatures.Should You Insulate or Heat Your Pipes?Our Countryside Plumbing and Heating experts have weighed the costs of applying insulation or heat to your pipes against the overall cost of a major plumbing repair job. In either case, prevention proves much more affordable than repairs, so it does pay to sacrifice a portion of your budget to regular preventative maintenance in exchange for keeping your pipes in good shape throughout the winter.Precautionary MeasuresWhile the following tips might seem counterintuitive, they’re the best options for preventing your pipes from freezing:Close garage doors and open cabinet doors. Garages are rarely heated, so it makes sense to try to keep whatever heat it does receive inside. You can do this by keeping the garage doors closed whenever possible, particularly at night when temperatures can drop to freezing levels. Alternatively, you can also open up your kitchen cabinets and drawers if you have plumbing running through your walls. This will allow indoor heat to reach your pipes and keep them from freezing.Allow your faucets to drip water. While this might sound wasteful, it’s actually pretty effective at keeping the water in your main lines flowing. Moving water freezes much more slowly, so allowing your faucet to drip slightly is a small price to pay to avoid costly plumbing repairs.Invest in insulation. The next time you research the cost of a central air conditioner, throw in a quick query about pipe insulation. This is a long-term solution that can help prevent frozen pipes from year to year.At Countryside, you can count on our trained, experienced professionals to help you with all your plumbing, heating and air conditioning needs. Give us a call at (715) 246-2660 or fill out our contact form to schedule a service visit today.


Is It Time to Replace Your Water Heater?

The decision to replace household systems is straightforward for the most part. With a furnace, once you’ve determined that you need a new one, all you have to do is call your local HVAC company to find out the cost of a new furnace and it’s smooth sailing from that point forward. With water heaters, however, things aren’t usually as clear cut. Water heater tanks can hide a lot of problems, and once these problems surface it’s often too late for repairs.

The Basics of Hiring a Plumber

You never know when you’ll need the services of a good emergency plumber, so if you don’t already have a trusted plumber on your contact list, don’t wait for an emergency before looking for one. In this blog, Countryside Plumbing and Heating, Inc. discusses the basics of hiring a plumber.

What Plumbers Do

Plumbers generally have the training to address issues related to home plumbing, and should have the skills and know-how to root out the source of plumbing problems. Commonplace issues such as plumbing leaks may have more than one cause, and finding the right solution is essential for a timely and permanent fix. Homeowners typically either won’t have access to water or will stand to waste a lot of it during a plumbing emergency, so the sooner it’s fixed, the better. 

While plumbers have more or less the same set of skills, some specialize in certain aspects of plumbing, such as commercial plumbing and gas line installation and repairs. Others may extend their scope to include proficiency in installing and repairing high-efficiency furnace systems. One of the advantages of working with an HVAC and plumbing company like us is that we can send the plumber that’s right for the job.

Hiring a Plumber

Look for the following when hiring a plumber:

  • License — The State of Wisconsin requires plumbers to hold a license issued by the Safety and Buildings Division of the Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services. Plumbers who apply for a Journeyman or Master Plumber’s license are required to pass the State Plumbing Exam. When hiring a plumber, make sure they have a valid license; this is your assurance of a plumber’s legitimacy, skill level and knowledge of applicable building codes.
  • Guarantee or Warranty — A good plumber or plumbing company will have their work guaranteed or warrantied. This is your protection against installation or repair errors.
  • Payment Method — Be wary of plumbers—and contractors in general—who ask for full payment upfront. A typical payment schedule consists of a down payment, one or two installments and a final payment upon satisfactory completion.
  • Good Customer Feedback — Take the time to call at least three references, as provided by the plumber. In addition to asking about the quality of their work, ask these previous customers if they would hire the plumber again. You’ll probably need a plumber more than once, so hiring one that provides quality work will be beneficial in the long run.

Countryside is your leading provider of plumbing services. Give us a call at (715) 246-2660 or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment or make inquiries about the cost of a new furnace.